CSRD: How To Set Up Your Reporting On Your Sustainability Strategy

The CSRD is a regulation that amended the existing Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD). It aims to improve and expand the disclosure of non-financial and sustainability information by companies. Compared to the NFRD directive, the CSRD goes further: it aims to strengthen existing regulations, harmonize reporting across Europe, and simplify the reporting process. The goal is to provide an approach that meets the information needs of all stakeholders, including investors, civil society, etc., and ensures the reliability and comparability of the information provided.

Beyond performance monitoring, the CSRD represents a fundamental transformation of the reporting process, moving from a simple declaration of sustainability to a demonstration of sustainability performance. Overall, the CSRD aims to improve transparency and comparability of sustainability information, enabling stakeholders to better evaluate a company’s ESG performance and increasing the focus on sustainable business practices.

But which are the companies affected? And what are their deadlines? What are the standards and frameworks to follow? And how do we even start?

kShuttle & ROI-EFESO merged their efforts to answer these questions and more, and put their expertise to the public’s disposition for this informative webinar. Revisit our session held on the 22nd of June to enrich your knowledge on the topic, where our speakers presented:


  • Presentation of kShuttle & ROI-EFESO (1:16)
  • European Context, CSRD, And Roadmap (4:49)
  • CSR Insight product demo (21:30)
  • kShuttle & ROI-EFESO joint approach (44:53)
  • Where: Livestorm
  • When: 22nd of June, 2023

Beantragen Sie den Zugang zur Aufzeichnung, indem Sie das nachstehende Formular ausfüllen:

Anstehende Veranstaltungen

Nov. 19
14:00 - 15:00
ESG-Reporting: Pflichten effizient erfüllen und in Zukunft profitieren
ESG-Berichtspflichten, die Unternehmen treffen.
Lösungen für die Datenbeschaffung zum Thema ESG.
Was macht eine gute ESG-Lösungslandschaften aus.
Kann der Aufwand für ESG-Reporting zu signifikanten Wettbewerbsvorteilen führen?
März 25
14:00 - 15:00
UPCOMING | GloBE Pillar 2 - Global Minimum Tax
The session will be available in French on the same day at 11:00 - https://bit.ly/3QFGwl0
Session 6: GMT Insight Demo
Juli 11
11:00 - 12:00
Les enjeux de la durabilité et ses impacts sur le SI
Vers un SI de durabilité
Positionnement stratégique de la DSI
Mise en œuvre du SI de durabilité et intégration dans le SI existant
Présentation de CSR Insight, solution de reporting de durabilité

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