All News

Published on 23/10/2023
PAST EVENT | GloBE Pillar 2 - Global Minimum Tax
In this MOOC, our expert speakers will demystify the OECD's GloBE Pillar 2 regulation. A 6-webianr sessions spread over 6 months, free of charge, to...
Published on 11/07/2023
Comment gérer la transformation digitale des processus de pilotage de la durabilité ? Les nouvelle réglementations européennes autour du développement durable toucheront dès 2024 plus...
Published on 6/07/2023
ÉVÉNEMENT PASSÉ | TAXONOMIE UE X AXYS CONSULTANTS : Quel impact cash pour les entreprises ?
Quel impact cash pour les entreprises ? Suite à l’introduction du règlement 2020/852, communément appelé « règlement Taxonomie », les directeurs financiers (DAF) doivent désormais...
Published on 22/06/2023
PAST EVENT | CSRD: How to set up your Reporting on your Sustainability Strategy
kShuttle & ROI-EFESO presented the key points of CSRD: who is affected with the deadlines and how to prepare for your sustainability reporting. A product...
Published on 1/06/2023
ÉVÉNEMENT PASSÉ | Taxonomie UE & CSRD kShuttle x Onepoint
Les enjeux de leur mise en œuvre pour les directions financières L’Union européenne a lancé une refonte majeure de la réglementation relative à la responsabilité...
Published on 26/04/2023
PAST EVENT | EU Taxonomy: How to master its content and its impact on your organization?
kShuttle & ROI-EFESO presented the key points of EU taxonomy and how to concretely address its impacts, alongside a product demo to help you seamlessly...
Published on 26/01/2023
ÉVÉNEMENT PASSÉ | WEBINAR CSRD : Quels impacts pour votre reporting de durabilité ?
WEBINAR CSRD : Quels impacts pour votre reporting de durabilité ? Le Conseil européen a définitivement adopté la CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) en novembre...

Sustainability Reporting & Strategy

Carbon Footprint

EU Taxonomy

IFRS 16 & ASC 842

Global Minimum Tax

Customized management apps


Services related to CSR Insight

Services related to GHG Insight

Services related to Taxonomy Insight

Services related to Lease Insight

Services related to GMT Insight

Digitalization of management processes